I Want to be the Color of the Sand

I want to be the color of the sand
I want the golden hues in my hair. I want the murky brown in my skin.
I want a strain of white running down my leg. I want grainy imperfections on my cheeks.
I desire the coarseness on my knees
To me, that means I have lived.
The evidence of sea rooted in my blood.

I want to age like the sand
Smaller by erosion
A fine grain that feels good to be on
A surface that moves with the wind
And settles with ease.

I want to move like the sand
Get in all your creases.
Be the constant reminder that something is on your body
The reminder to rinse yourself clean.

I want to be static like the sand
Evidence that there is support under your feet.
Truth that gravity exists.
The safety net when you can’t escape the reef


Let The Ocean Assert Her Dominance

An early morning at sea. The sun is peeking through the clouds and there is that small brisk of air that tickles your nose- the sort of cold that you can only experience on the open sea. The breeze has a different texture, a briny finish against your cheeks.

To my left there is a continuous sea, the vastness of the Pacific ocean sweeps the horizon. The ocean seems boundless when I am on the boat. It’s like I can encounter the untold out here- it must be the denude of the surface.

When you let the ocean assert her dominance- you cannot be hurt by her aloofness.

The callous world does not effect the capacious ocean. She shouts commandments by the way of waves, is somber and immovable with her shores. Her surf emanates a fragrance of peace. I could never foil her power, she hurts me with her mystery. Yet I can find shelter in her swell. For my fear of her is quite groundless, for aren’t most things crowned by a rough finish?

No Stars To See

A sound of fury
The rustle of life.
Where will we go now?
Now that time has seemed to expire.

Where do we go?
Now that there is no wind
Now that there are no stars to see

Where do we go?
Now that the glistening of your eyes has evaporated
Now that I can no longer see the stars you see

Tell me where to go
I can use your direction or mine

Tell me where to go.
I would rather know from you.

Lets find the sea
That vast open place where we can be
alone in a space where only the waves can tell us where we are

Lets ride the ride
Not wait for the moon
Trust her-
She will take you where you want to go

Ride the wave kid
Who am I to say kid-
Aren’t we all looking for that youth-
The youth of the fresh white water

Take me with you.